Siti Khadijah Azhari, popular by the name of Beautiful Azhari was a model star and the film actress. The descendants's Pakistani woman, had eight relatives, among them Sarah Azhari (the model and the actress), Ibra Azhari and Rahma Azhari (the Model). Apart from as the model and the acting star, Beautiful lately also mengeluti the world attracted the voice. His new album flowed dangdut including containing his two creation songs personally, Ms and I Love You So Much. As selebritis, the trip lived Beautiful was passed through fully the bend and the sensation. Himself married three times, his first husband was rocker Indonesia, Wisnu Djodi Gondokusumo, that afterwards was separated with one child. Beautiful afterwards married Teemu Yusuf Ibrahim, one of the descendants's Pakistani men and again was separated by being blessed with three children. It was following, Ayu married Mike Tramp, one of the group's personnel of music rock White Lion. From the Beautiful marriage and Tramp was blessed with a child
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